Your resume represents one of the many ways in which employers will get to know you and decide whether you are a potential fit for their organization. It's often the very first piece of information they receive about you. Keep in mind your resume is not the one thing that leads to you getting a job or internship but rather a marketing tool to help you land an interview. Along with the resume, employers will form an impression of you from your cover letter, emails you send, portfolio, social media, online presence, interviewing, etc. While there are many facets to a job or internship search beyond a resume, it is important that you take the time to craft a strong representation of you and your professional story so that employers are enticed to interview you. Before you move forward with applying to positions, whether online, via Handshake, etc., it’s important to take time to reflect and present your experiences effectively.

Start by reviewing these resources from CMU-SV Career Services and CMU’s Career and Professional Development Center. For additional questions or to have your resume reviewed, please schedule an appointment to have your resume reviewed by a CMU-SV career coach.